Apply To Work With Us First Name Last Name Email Phone What is/was your cancer diagnosis? What are your top 3 health challenges currently? How would your life be different if your health challenges were resolved in the next year? What approaches have you tried already that worked for you? Please list. What approaches have you tried that did NOT work for you? Please list. What changes do you know you could / should make that you haven’t already made? What are the biggest barriers to making the changes you already know you should be making? On a scale of 1 to 10, how committed are you to making the changes you need to make to achieve your health goals? 1 (having a hard time starting) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (very committed) Which are you interested in: (all of these include the full functional labs and interpretations/protocols) Retreat Group Program Private Work What is the one change / new behavior you commit to making this week that will move you in the direction of your health goal? Would you like to speak to one of our staff before getting started? Yes (15 minute call) No, I'm ready to get started Send